Sunday, September 11, 2016

YOUTUBE AD POLICY: CENSORSHIP OR GOOD BUSINESS PRACTICE? Advertising policy for content producers under fire.

               (September 2016): Remember when the internet was like a wide-open frontier, where anyone with an idea and a computer could start multi-million dollar ventures from nothing?  It was a “Wild West” of sorts, with people staking their claim to niches and topics with no rules and seemingly infinite potential. Internet stars popped up out of nowhere with nothing but videos of raw talent, unrestrained vocabularies, and possibly the video of someone being injured.  These internet “celebrities” mostly came from the website YouTube. Eventually, some individuals became known as YouTubers (some vloggers fit into this category as well) and commanded thousands if not millions of subscribers to their YouTube channels.  YouTubers were given a rare opportunity to earn revenue from their popularity in the form of advertising on their videos provided by Google.  

For example, at the end of August there was a firestorm of online protests by people known as YouTubers and vloggers as well as other creators of online content about the media giant’s enforcement of their advertising policy of removing the opportunity for advertising revenue from videos that are “not advertiser friendly.”  Although the policy has been selectively and / or inadequately enforced ever since 2012, YouTube emails detailing YouTuber videos whose advertising had been pulled for content, and that the account holder can appeal the process.  Social media has been in the news as of late for such controversies as the vague line between testimonial and advertising of products by celebrities on Instagram, and Facebook putting forth yet another algorithm change attempt to crack down on click-bait headlines. Right now, The YouTube algorithms are focusing on the descriptions and tags of videos, searching for keywords that will flag a video as being “not advertiser friendly.”  However, the enforcement of the policy is unpredictable and unevenly imposed to say the least; one video that breaks all the rules with ads still active could be displayed on the same screen as someone’s commentary on a news event that has been demonetized as a result of YouTube’s algorithm flagging it as a video that contains “profanity and vulgar language.”

What does this mean to the average person who watches videos on YouTube? ...[READ MORE]


(Silicon Valley, CA):  Facebook may be the #1 social media network in the world, but that may soon change with Twitter’s announcement that it will begin marketing to people whose Facebook ‘memories’ are depressing as Hell.  One of Facebook’s many features is called “Memories” in which a user is shown past posts from that calendar date that will span from exactly one year prior to when the individual started their Facebook account.  For many, this is a novel way to remember fun and interesting posts you may have forgotten, but for a growing majority Facebook’s ‘Memories’ dredge up feelings of sadness and despair that were better off left in the past.   This trend hasn’t gone unnoticed by Facebook’s biggest competitor, Twitter, who plans on capitalizing on the unintended consequences of Facebook ‘Memories’ experienced by millions of people worldwide.

“Twitter doesn’t dig up the past, we are all about the here and now” stated Irene Russell of Twitter’s User Outreach Department.  “We want users to be in a constant state of discovery with funny tweets and famous celebrities making inspirational comments in 140 characters [or less if they want their tweets to be retweeted, or shared among other users]. Twitter does not force you to re-live detailed, depressing events in your life, not even vague posts that consist of the sad face emoji.  Twitter users start fresh every 30 seconds.  It is this constant renewal of ideas that we believe will appeal to Facebook users who are annually reminded that they went through a terrible divorce three years ago or that they found out that they were adopted two years ago.”

“I had just logged on Facebook this morning before work like I do everyday” stated Kevin Cooper of Kansas City, MO “when I saw the memories pop up on my phone.  As I scrolled through them a post from 2013 came up.  That day my cat had been accidentally hit by a car. Actually, it was my car, and I was driving. All those feelings of loss and anguish came flooding back.  I shouldn’t have described it in such detail, but at the time I thought people would want to know. Now I’m depressed all over again, so I shared it with my friends and family… letting them know just how I feel about seeing disheartening posts I made when I was feeling miserable. I should have never taken a selfie with my dead cat, or made that Vine of her final moments.  I hope when I see this next year I won’t get as upset reliving every second of it.”... [READ MORE]


The website CHAOSPIRATIONS is giving authors a place to put their book or blog links if the authors share the site's links on their site or blog.  This is known as "LINK SWAPPING" and can increase the audience of both the author and promoter.  Details are found on the tweet below.



(Mountain View, CA): The world has been waiting for confirmation of intelligent life other than ourselves in the universe, but we won’t have to wait much longer.  Officials from the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) institute have recently made detailed contact with what is alleged to be an intelligence from beyond our solar system, and they are coming to this planet soon, but not before November 8, 2016.  According to SETI, the E.T.’s are going to wait until after the United States presidential election to invade.

“They are coming” stated Hugh Manatee of SETI, who calls the newly discovered beings the ‘visitors,’ and who was the first to discover the astonishing message from outer space. “We found the signal about two days ago, it stood out like a sore thumb compared to all the ‘noise’ we usually get.  It was a binary signal, but in a format that we were able to translate.  After just a short time we were able to understand what they were trying to communicate.  However, the message wasn’t for us but rather… about us.” 

Going further into detail Hugh described the message to be a communication between a fleet of spacecraft approaching the Earth.  This armada of ships can now be faintly seen with the unaided eye in the night sky over North America. It also seems that the aliens are discussing strategies for their ultimate goal, invasion of the planet.  However, the extraterrestrial invaders are going about the invasion in a manner that conserves energy and resources, and they are waiting to see what happens after the November 2016 United States presidential election in order to finalize their plans. ... [READ MORE]


(Chicago, IL):  If you’re wondering what you are seeing in the skies over the windy city, you’re not alone. Thousands of people gathered together outside Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, Navy Pier, and even lined the windows of Chicago’s most famous landmark, the Formerly Known as Sears Tower. It’s a bird, it’s a plane! No, it’s hungry tentacles from space, and they are quite a spectacle to behold. High overhead the world famous Chicago skyline are billowing, writhing clouds of massive tentacles winding and swirling as if in random, haphazard patterns. 

Outside Shedd Aquarium, we caught up with an onlooker and witness to Hastur’s terrible glory. “I was out here with my kids and Bobby yells up at me, ‘Mommy! Octopus!’” stated Dana Shirefield as she and her two children stood among the throngs of people outside Shedd Aquarium. “We had just come out of the aquarium and I didn’t think anything of it but he kept yelling until I finally looked up and saw about a dozen people get plucked up from the far side of the parking lot and I screamed! Oh it gave me such a scare, (laughing) I almost swallowed my gum! I screamed, the people being ripped apart were screaming.” Mrs. Shirefield consoled little Bobby who was uncontrollably sobbing while his older brother held his hand staring blankly to the sky. “Mommy didn’t mean to scare you Bobby I just got startled is all.”

Whip like at the tip and enormously girthy as one follows them to their origin, the tentacles are speculated to be the mouth parts of some colossal beast that is in a stationary orbit over the city of Chicago, but the size of the creature far above is impossible to judge because there is no visibility beyond the tentacle-packed sky, making some residents ask the question “is there anything to worry about?” ...[READ MORE]


(Decatur, IL):  Although 45% of Americans believe in ghosts, the majority of the population remains skeptical.  Still there are a few instances that turn skeptics into believers, such as the case of the Harriston family.  Tucked in a quiet cul-de-sac in Decatur Illinois, the Harriston family lives in a typical ranch home complete with two-car garage, patio and above-ground pool.  Ronald Harriston, his wife of twenty-two years Becky, and their adult children Dana and Robert have lived in the home for over a decade.  However, another resident in the home doesn’t live there, because they are deceased. A ghost has haunted the Harriston residence for as long as the family has lived there and has caused years turmoil in the family.

The haunting probably began around September 2006 as the Harristons were moving in. “It started almost immediately.” Ronald Harriston recalled. “I took a job opportunity here in Decatur, and we had to move from our country home outside of Arthur to the ‘big city’ (Mr. Harriston gestured quotes with his fingers). It was a hard move for the kids because they had to leave their friends behind, but I couldn’t miss out on this opportunity.  We were in the house for less than a week when Becky and I started finding things out of place.  Like silverware was still in the dish drainer that was supposedly put up hours ago.  And it seemed to like the kids’ toys. We’d have the kids clean their rooms, then come back a couple hours later and find the toys all over the floor again after the children said they’d already cleaned their rooms. If Becky and I went in there and cleaned their rooms, it would stay that way for a couple of days, so eventually we realized that the ghost didn’t like adults.”

Becky further described the haunting as the years went on. “Clothes. It likes to mess with the kid’s clothes. When I would take the clothes into Robert’s room and tell him to put them up, I would go back in later that evening and the clothes I just folded were on the floor. At first I would scold him but he kept saying it was a ghost. I was skeptical at first, but Dana’s room seemed to be another favorite place the ghost would go.  I would put her clothes on the bed and return to find them still folded, but moved to the foot of the bed. It was like the ghost made a point of taking the clothes out of the dresser after the children put them up. It was crazy! Those poor kids got messed with so bad.  Like Robert said, when we had anything to do with putting things up, the ghost would leave it be.” ... [READ MORE]


(Cooks Mills, IL): In stark contrast to the rural country setting, the conspicuously subdued facility that houses APPLIED CREATIVE GENETICS LABORATORIES (ACGL) is a futuristic tower of gleaming chrome with flocks of scientists flowing to and fro in bright white lab coats. There’s a flurry of activity here.  “You can feel the energy.” One passer-by commented as we made our way to the administration building to meet the chief scientist, Dr. Frank Steinen; whose vision twenty-six years ago led him to compile a team of the world’s top visionaries in the field of genetics.

“We have but one goal here, and that is to change the course of human history.” Dr. Steinen stated. “It says so above the main entrance in the lobby by the vending machines.  Those words greet us every day. We mustn’t give up. The world, the future of mankind depends on it.”
What has brought on the excitement at ACGL is news of several technological breakthroughs that have recently come about that could give them a huge boost to the goal they are striving for: the cloning of a real, live fictional character. Dr. Mary Shelburn is the head of the exploratory research and development division, and while she talked about the project she was visibly energized. “It’s so thrilling to be alive and present while history is being made. We are so close to the genetic recreation of a being that has only walked within our imagination.”

Dr. Steinen remained hopeful that one day that science would develop enough to clone fictional characters, but after examining the new technological tools at their disposal, he is dealing in absolutes. “Within 15 years we will see the birth of a fully functioning fictional character. You can take that to the bank as your people say.”

Although the science of cloning fictional characters has come astonishingly far in just the thirty years that the National Science Foundation and other high-caliber government grants have been fully funding the operation, it hasn’t come without a price.  “We weren’t ready…” Dr. Shelburn stated solemnly “We thought we had it right three years ago, when we attempted to clone Harry Potter from the popular series written by J.K. Rowling. We never made a press release about that project so… well you are getting an exclusive right here.” ... [READ MORE]



(ORLANDO, FL): In a startling admission, NASA scientists have disclosed that there is a secret program dedicated to completely overlook the fictional evidence that a race of human-like primates inhabit the red planet, Mars.  This baseless assumption comes at a time when both Democrats and Republicans are struggling to keep their candidates’ integrity from suffering any more in the public eye. On August 10, 2016, investigators learned of this upsetting conspiracy.  “I knew something was amiss, but I never thought they would take it to this extent.” said Andrew Corland, a North American Indigenous Primate researcher and professor at Wildman University. “Having a shadowy program dedicated to just not looking at false or misleading evidence is unheard of.” Corland continued, “Repressing factual evidence that isn’t there is what you would think that a tyrannical government would do. The worst part is the taxpayers are the ones being hurt.”

A whistleblower in the administration turned over several leaked documents to investigators, none of which implied any wrongdoing on the part of NASA or of the vast conspiracy to pay no attention to non-evidence of a Martian Sasquatch population. “The evidence just isn’t there, and that’s what’s most troubling.” Corland continued “Spending millions of dollars a year for this program is a typical example of fraud, waste and abuse.  The American people need to wake up to this mishandling of critical resources that could benefit other programs, and stop NASA from deliberately taking no notice of unsubstantiated fabrications.” ...[READ MORE]